Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dream On

I don't know how many of you were like me, and had these huge, amazing, fantastical dreams and aspirations of who and what you would be like in the future. I also don't know how many of you are like me, and you haven't quite reached the place you dreamed you would be at by this point of your life. As for me, sometimes I would sit back and think back on the decisions I made in my life and wonder what I have to show for them. I look at people I grew up with that are successful, I look at siblings that I grew up with that are successful. And I wondered, "did I really make wise decisions?"...It seems that the one dream that I dreamed that has come true, is that I've married super hot women (sorry dudes, she's mine, everyone else will have to settle for 2nd best). For me I see this vision of what the future can hold and I wonder if that future is even obtainable. Like I said, I don't know how many of you out there had dreams, and visions of what the future held, but I know I did. And I still do. You see, yes there may be times that I wonder if the decisions I made were wise or not. But if I continue to dwell on the what life could have been if I made different decisions, then I'll miss the opportunity to walk into what the future could be. The past is the past and it has molded us into the people we are today. But the past wont bring us into the tomorrow. The present is the threshold of the future.
God has place skills and talents in each and every person on this earth. He has also given us all a dream a vision and those talents will aid us in our journey to see that dream manifest in reality. Your gifts are your own, your talents are your own, YOUR DREAM IS YOUR OWN. It's not to late to get up and start moving toward that picture that you see when you think about how your future can be. God has given you this dream, trust Him to help you, guide you and watch you see it come to fruition. My wife and I are currently in process. We have this dream, and we have stepped you to see it happen. And there is nothing more exciting then to be taking steps towards that dream, that you thought would never come true. I can see it, I can smell it, I can hear it and my heart is racing cause I know it's just over the next hill.
So what ever dream God has given you, take it today and walk through the threshold of the present into the world of your future.


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