Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Less is More?!?!

"How much money is enough money? Just a little bit more!"

How much technology is enough technology? Just a little bit more.

How much is enough? JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE!!!

What we have is never enough. We always want more. More money, more clothes, more shoes, more games, more fame, more whatever! Yet it seems the more we GET the more we WANT. We increasingly acquire what we want and yet the gratification is momentary. Regardless of how much we have we are never truly satisfied. For some of us we have all these contraptions to occupy our time and mind and still we feel lonely. Some of us have all the latest things (shoes, cars, phones with lightning quick 4G coverage) but we still don't feel truly successful. We get more and more and more and feel less and less and less satisfaction.

Perhaps it is due to the fact that as created beings, we were never intended to gain satisfaction from OUR creations but instead from our CREATOR! There is only one thing that can truly satify that craving for more! Only one thing we should be searching after. Everything we need is found in the Power, the Love and the Grace of our resurrected savior Jesus Christ!

We don't need more money, we need more Jesus.
We don't need more technology, we need more Jesus.
We don't need more of OUR creation, we need more of our CREATOR!

We have all these things that are meant to satisfy us but at the end of.the day all they do is take up room and time. We don't need alot of things, we only need ONE!
JESUS CHRIST the son of God, who came to this world and sacrificed himself on our behalf! JESUS CHRIST who after giving His life for us took it back up and resurrected in Glory and Power! The more CHRIST is in our lives, the things we will need!

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